Monday, April 5, 2010

Persuit of happiness

After long break I felt to write something here. It’s been couple of weeks… there is thought coming to my mind. Am I really happy after all these happened in my life? Yes I am more than happy. I was patient enough to overcome all problems...

Persuit of happiness?
Yeah i agree lovely movie!!But are we all in persuit of the happiness quotient in our life?Do we manage to attain it?People who are in quest of this are never happy! There is always something more.
I was getting fed up in life.Things seem to be going out of control at work and in general.Then I started comparing and expecting something out of my so called professional life.I remember I was thinking...What are my long term dreams??Now, what the crap ?WTF am I doing? Who cares?...I was wondering if our jobs just become means to an end?Is it all about money,name & fame?Is what is expected of us a roadmap to our life?How did this change happen!Does time really make the distance between goals and expectations less and less?I dont fine day I get up and decide enough is enough ,and try and be happy with what I have?(what rubbish).Then how I attain my goals?(If I have any left!)This leaves me in a spinning loop.I am still wondering what the hell happened to change me all from the dreamers with goals to realistic people with no dreams?Is being realistic a path to happiness?possibly no....but then what is?

All of us each day wake up hoping and praying that today will be a better day that yesterday and while we step out of our house in the morning zillions of thoughts cross our minds as to what the day holds for us.The most important thing that we forget each day is that we forget to thank God for letting us see the light of the next day, instead we ask him for things to happen or not happen.........

No money in the world can ever buy you the small things which give immense happiness....So friends, each day let us treasure the small things that will help us live longer rather than run after the things that will shorten our life.... Chinni